Céline Dionová sa narodila 30. marca 1968 v Charlemagne (mesto asi 50 km severovýchodne od Montréalu v Québecu) ako najmladšia zo 14 detí hudobne založenej rodiny. Jej rodičia, obaja muzikanti, viedli malý klub Le vieux Barril v meste bydliska, v ktorom cez víkendy celá rodina vystupovala a bavila miestnych obyvateľov. Céline od piatich rokov spievala spolu so súrodencami a rýchlo získala schopnosť živo vystupovať.
V auguste 1973 slávnostne vystúpila pred početnou rodinou na svadbe jej brata Michela skladbou Du fil des aiguilles et du coton. Keď mala dvanásť, zložila spoločne s matkou francúzsku pieseň Ce n'etait qu'un reve, ktorá navždy zmenila smer jej života.
Demo nahrávka obsahujúca pieseň zaujala Reného Angélila, veľmi rešpektovaného osobného manažéra Ginette Reno. V januári 1981 bol René natoľko unesený hlasom mladej Céline, že sa rozhodol spraviť ju medzinárodne známym talentom. Dokonca pozastavil hypotéku na svoj dom, aby mohol financovať nahrávanie debutového albumu La voix du bon Dieu.
V júni 1981 vystúpila Dionová ako 13-ročná prvýkrát pred televízne kamery v programe Michela Jasmina nahrávkou Ce n'etait qu'un reve. Bol to vôbec prvý kontakt medzi Céline a širokou verejnosťou v rodnom Québecu.
Céline začala byť známa pre svoj talent v roku 1982, kedy vyhrala zlatú medailu na festivale Yamaha World Popular Song v japonskom Tokiu za skladbu Tellement j'ai d'amour pour toi. V tom roku vyšiel i druhý, veľmi úspešný singel D'amour ou d'amitie z pera Eddyho Marnaya.
V januári 1983 reprezentovala Kanadu na festivale RTL Super Official vo francúzskom Cannes. Stala sa vôbec prvou Kanaďankou, ktorá získala zlatú platňu vo Francúzsku za kompiláciu hitov Du soleil au coeur.
Keď 11. septembra 1984 navštívil Kanadu pápež Ján Pavol II., Céline reprezentovala mladú generáciu krajiny na špeciálnom ceremoniále v Montréal Olympic Stadium. Mladá speváčka zaspievala pred vyše 65-tisícovým obecenstvom skladbu Une colombe z jej aktuálneho albumu Mélanie. O šesť dní neskôr v Kanade vyšiel výber najúspešnejších singlov na platni Les plus grands succés de Céline Dion.
V tom istom roku (1984) vyšiel nový singel Mon ami m'a quittee, ktorý bol predzvesťou albumu Les chemins de ma maison. Céline pozbierala dve ceny Félix na Gala predstavení ADISQ a v novembri dostala pozvánku zaspievať v prestížnej Olympia Music Hall v Paríži na otvorení show Patricka Sébastiena.
V roku 1985 získala Céline do svojej zbierky päť hudobných ocenení Félix. V nasledujúcom roku nahrala nový singel Billy. Ihneď po vydaní singlu, 18-ročná Dionová oznámila prestávku v kariére. Začala sa venovať učeniu anglického jazyka a malej zmene vizáže.
Po krátkej prestávke sa Céline vrátila na hudobnú scénu nahrávkou Je ne veux pas, ktorú napísal taliansky textár Romano Musumara. Bol to posledný singel, ktorý vzišiel z pásu nahrávacej spoločnosti Pathé-Marconi.
V roku 1988 upevnila Dionová svoju pozíciu v rodnej provincii Québec vydaním albumu Incognito (Sony Music). Dostala štyri ocenenia Félix a platinové albumy. V tom istom roku Céline vyhrala prestížnu súťaž Eurovision Song Contest v írskom Dubline. Reprezentujúca Švajčiarsko, Céline získala zlatú medailu za skladbu Ne partez pas sans moi. Nasledujúcich 42 dní Céline vystupovala vo vlastnej show Incognito v Théatre Saint Denis v Montréale.
Roku 1990 vydala Dionová album Unison, jej prvý naspievaný v anglickom jazyku. Pilotným singlom sa stala skladba Where Does My Heart Beat Now, ktorou si Céline podmanila i americkú časť publika. V horúcom singlovom rebríčku Billboard Top 100 skončila najvyššie na 4. mieste. Druhý singel, (If There Was) Any Other Way, sa vyšplhal na 5. priečku. Z LP platne nakoniec išli do singlových pozícií i menej úspešné skladby The Last To Know a Unison.
Album Unison prekonal i tie najväčšie očakávania. Jeho predajnosť dosiahla 1 700 000 nosičov. Céline začínala byť pre amerických poslucháčov čoraz známejšia aj vďaka nočným talk-show.
V roku 1991 oslavovala Céline Dionová 10. výročie na poli hudobného šoubiznisu a v júni pripravila špeciálne gala vystúpenie pre svojich fanúšikov vo Forum de Montréal. Pre francúzske publikum nahrala piesne populárneho textára Luca Plamondona na album Dion chante Plamondon. Z neho sme zaznamenali single Je danse dans ma tete, Un garcon pas comme les autres (Ziggy) a L'amour existe encore. Album sa dostal na európsky trh až v roku 1994 pod názvom Des mots qui sonnent.
Medzinárodný vzostup prišiel v roku 1991, keď nahrala titulnú skladbu na soundtrack k animovanému filmu Kráska a zviera spoločnosti Walt Disney. Pieseň Beauty And The Beast sa stala číslom jeden a pozbierala ceny Hudobnej akadémie a Grammy, stala sa základným kameňom jej druhého anglicky naspievaného albumu s jednoduchým názvom Celine Dion.
Album Celine Dion (1992) vydal dovedna päť singlov. Love Can Move Mountains, If You Asked Me To, Did You Give Enough Love, Water From The Moon a Nothing Broken But My Heart. V Kanade získal šesť platinových platní a bol ďalším stupňom k neuveriteľnej ceste k oceneniu Juno.
Taktiež v roku 1992 sa Céline zúčastnila koncertného turné Michaela Boltona počas leta a vystupovala v jednej z hlavných rolí v muzikáli Tycoon (anglická verzia známeho francúzskeho originálu Starmania).
V tom čase začala Céline robiť významné kroky vo Veľkej Británii. Britskí fanúšikovia zobrali dobre skladbu Think Twice, baladu z albumu The Colour Of My Love (1993). Nasledujúcich päť týždňov dominovala pieseň a album na vrchole britských hitparád, taký výkon sa neopakoval od roku 1965 a rozkvetu The Beatles. Skladba Think Twice zostala číslom jeden ešte ďalšie dva týždne, prekonala magickú miliónovú hranicu a stala sa jediným singlom ženského interpreta, ktorého číslo predajnosti vo Veľkej Británii sa zastavilo na 4 miliónoch. Z albumu The Colour Of My Love vzišli ďalšie mega-hity: sladká balada The Power Of Love (predtým naspievaná Jennifer Rush), rytmická Misled, Only One Road a duet s Clivom Griffinom When I Fall In Love z filmu Bezsenné noci v Seattli.
S albumom D'eux (1995) dosiahla Céline to, čo všetci považovali za nemožné - predstavila francúzsku hudbu britským ostrovom. Svet skutočne objavil Céline Dion…
Obdarovaná skvelým hlasom populárnej hudby prekročila všetky bariéry - vrátane jazykovej - s veľkolepou sériou medzinárodných hitov. S krkolomným tempom nahrávania, natáčania videoklipov, turné a účasťami v televíznych show to vyzerá, akoby Céline zostávalo už len málo času. Céline použila svoj talent k podpore Kanadského fondu Cystickej fibrózy. Jedna z najemocionálnejších skladieb Vole (neskôr sa objavuje v anglickej úprave ako Fly na albume Falling Into You) je vlastne dojemnou spomienkou na jej neter Karine, ktorá na túto nemoc zomrela.
Album Falling Into You (1996) sa stal najlepšie predávaným albumom toho roku. Bodoval v hitparádach 11 štátov sveta a bol zvolený Albumom roka a Najlepším popovým albumom na 39. slávnostnom udeľovaní cien Hudobnej akadémie. Albumu sa po celom svete predalo viac ako 25 miliónov kópií.
Z albumu Falling Into You boli v rozhlase vysielané najmä piesne Because You Loved Me z filmu Intímne detaily (Robert Redford, Michelle Pfeiffer), sedemminútovú baladu It's All Coming Back To Me Now, cover-verziu All By Myself od Erica Carmena či Call The Man.
Album Let's Talk About Love (1997) bol nahratý v Londýne, New Yorku a Los Angeles. Uvádza špeciálnych hostí, ako napríklad Barbru Streisand (pieseň Tell Him), Bee Gees so singlom Immortality, Carole King, Georgea Martina, či Luciana Pavarottiho, skvelých textárov a hudobníkov vrátane Davida Fostera. Album bol vydaný v ten istý deň ako soundtrack k filmu Titanic. Obidva albumy priniesli ústrednú pieseň, My Heart Will Go On, ktorú napísal James Horner a nahral James Horner a Walter Afanasieff. My Heart Will Go On sa rýchlo stala svadobnou skladbou pre fanúšikov Céline.
V ohromujúcom slede úspechov Let's Talk About Love súperil s 27. miliónmi predajov na celom svete svojho predchodcu. Titanic tiež predal po celom svete viac ako 27 miliónov nahrávok. Je to najlepšie predávaný orchestrálny soundtrack v celej nahrávacej histórii. Dionová spievala My Heart Will Go On v celosvetovom televíznom prenose 70. výročných cien Akadémie, naživo z Dorothy Chandler Pavillion v Los Angeles. Pieseň získala cenu Akadémie za Najlepšiu originálnu pieseň – druhý Oscar za skladbu, ktorú naspievala Céline Dion, prvý bol Beauty And The Beast z roku 1992.
Francúzsky album S'il suffisait d'aimer, nahraný vo februári 1998, bol oficiálne celosvetovo uvedený na trh 8. septembra. Prvý singel Zora sourit získal búrlivé ohlasy v rádiách po celom svete. Céline Dionová predstavila titulnú skladbu z albumu svojím fanúšikom počas svojho
celosvetového turné Let's Talk About Love.
Oficiálna diskografia
LP platne 1981-1986
1981 - La voix du Bon Dieu (Canadian Saisons)
1981 - Céline Dion chante Noel (Canadian Saisons)
1982 - Tellement j'ai d'amour… (Trans Canada Disques)
1983 - Les chemins de ma maison (Trans Canada Disques)
1983 - Chants et contes de Noel (Trans Canada Disques)
1983 - Du soleil au coeur (Pathé-Marconi/ EMI France)
1984 - Mélanie (Trans Canada Disques)
1984 - Les plus grands succés de Céline Dion (Trans Canada Disques)
1984 - Les oiseaux du bonheur (Pathé-Marconi/ EMI France)
1985 - C'est pour toi (Trans Canada Disques)
1985 - Céline Dion en concert (Trans Canada Disques)
1986 - Les chansons en or (Trans Canada Disques)
CD - Francúzske albumy
1987 - Incognito (CBS)
1991 - Dion chante Plamondon (Sony Music)
1995 - D'eux (Sony Music)
1998 - S'il suffisait d'aimer (Sony Music)
2003 - 1 fille & 4 types (Sony Music)
2007 - D'elles (Sony BMG)
CD - Anglické albumy
1990 - Unison (Sony Music)
1992 - Celine Dion (Sony Music)
1993 - The Colour Of My Love (Sony Music)
1996 - Falling Into You (Sony Music)
1997 - Let's Talk About Love (Sony Music)
1998 - These Are Special Times (Sony Music)
2002 - A New Day Has Come (Sony Music)
2003 - One Heart (Sony Music)
2004 - Miracle (Sony Music)
2007 - Taking Chances (Sony BMG)
CD - Live nahrávky
1994 - Olympia (Sony Music)
1996 - Live a Paris (Sony Music)
1999 - Au coeur du stade (Sony Music)
2004 - A New Day… Live In Las Vegas (Sony Music)
CD - Kompilácie
1999 - All The Way… A Decade Of Song (Sony Music)
2000 - The Collector's Series Volume One (Sony Music)
2005 - On ne change pas (Sony BMG)
2008 - Complete Best (Sony Music Japan)
2008 - Ultimate Box (Sony Music Japan)
1990 - Unison (Sony Music)
1994 - The Colour Of My Love Concert (Sony Music)
1995 - Live a Paris (Sony Music)
1998 - Live In Memphis (Sony Music)
1999 - Au coeur du stade (Sony Music)
2000 - All The Way… A Decade Of Song & Video (Sony Music)
2005 - On ne change pas (Sony BMG)
2007 - A New Day... Live In
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(Robertwix, 25. 12. 2023 23:30)
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Comprehending Modo Credits with this Credit Inspection Procedure
(modoloanloosy, 25. 12. 2023 19:45)
Modo money grant a optional financing selection for customary bank credits plus loan plastic. However the way make the modo credit inspection with sanction process indeed occupation? The lead provide a in depth look.
Which be one Modo Loan?
One modo loan be one type of regular payment loan supplied from Modo, an online loaning system with FDIC-insured bank co-worker. Major attributes contain:
Loan quantities from $1,000 and $50,000
Terms between 1 to 5 years
Firm concern percentages from 5.99% and 29.99% APR
100% online request with backing process
Modo supply financings for one variety from requirements similar to debt consolidation, residence improvement, car expenses, medical invoices, family obligations, with more. Their expertise purposes for offer useful admittance for money past an easy internet process.
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How a Modo Credit Review Process Functions
Modo put to use loaning algorithms and AI technology for give customized credit determinations with instant with not any forms or dues. Yet how make their review and permission process really work?
Smallest Criteria
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In least 18 twelvemonths retro
US nationality / lasting tenant
Regular income > $20k every year
Lively checking explanation
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Verify your individuality similar to some mortgagee. Modo employ not any tough credit tugs within the degree.
Which's IT! The request progression brings fair minutes through desktop either movable. Straight away Modo's algorithms kick in to designate your personal loan stipulations.
Modo's Loan Choice Algorithm
At the time Modo amasses completely necessary facts from your application with financial institution account data, the proprietary conclusion motors pass for job.
Modo's calculation explores uncounted information points from your wage streams, outlay templates, cash flows, liabilities and overall money management manners making use of superior AI technology.
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Thus over equitable evaluating credit descriptions with ratings as banks, Modo carries current data-driven method to determine your legit competence to handle and reward again a credit.
Understanding Modo Credits and this Loan Analysis System
(modoloanloosy, 25. 12. 2023 16:17)
Modo money provide a different funding option for conventional financial institution credits and loan plastic. However how does a modo credit assessment and endorsement process truly function? This lead supply a with deepness look.
What is one Modo Credit?
One modo loan be a kind from regular payment credit granted from Modo, an internet credit system and FDIC-insured bank associate. Key qualities contain:
Loan sums from $1,000 to $50,000
Conditions between 1 and 5 years
Set interest rates between 5.99% to 29.99% APR
100% online application with backing process
Modo offer loans to one variety from desires like debt combination, house betterment, car bills, health invoices, kin obligations, and additional. The engineering intends for supply convenient entrance for investment by way of a straightforward internet process.
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How the Modo Credit Inspection Progression Jobs
Modo employ lending calculations with AI expertise to provide customized loan decisions with instant among not any paperwork either dues. However how does the analysis and permission procedure truly job?
Smallest Prerequisites
Initially, ye ought to fill few found qualification criteria to Modo to even lead a loan analysis:
At simplest 18 years old
US citizenship / lasting occupant
Normal wage > $20k per annum
Energetic checking tab
Modo uncovers this least standards initially prior to ye round out credit applications. Provided that ye fill a rudiments, ye be able to keep on far.
Requesting for a Modo Private Credit
Polish off a internet credit application which collects primary exclusive and utilization points along with income, costs with responsibilities. Not any credentials either manifestations necessary.
Pair your personal financial institution explanations so Modo be able to reach your personal checking, savings, with outward loan invoice negotiations to corroborate money related wellbeing. Tall security hold all get.
Confirm your distinctiveness as any creditor. Modo put to use zero complicated credit tugs at this locale.
Which's it! A request system bears equitable minutes through workdesk or mobile. Straight away Modo's algorithms kick with for designate your loan terms.
Modo's Loan Conclusion Algorithm
The moment Modo amasses completely compulsory understanding between your application and financial institution account data, the private conclusion motors pass for duty.
Modo's algorithm analyzes countless information specks between your personal income flows, expending examples, cash streams, liabilities with blanket money organization conduct by means of advanced AI expertise.
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Interpreting Modo Credits and this Credit Evaluation Progression
(modoloanloosy, 25. 12. 2023 13:10)
Modo money supply a substitute capital possibility to standard financial institution financings and loan plastic. Yet how does the modo loan evaluation with authorization procedure really function? The guide offers an with deepness look.
What is a Modo Loan?
A modo credit is one kind of regular payment credit furnished by Modo, an online credit system with FDIC-insured bank partner. Key characteristics incorporate:
Loan sums between $1,000 to $50,000
Arrangements between 1 to 5 years
Set interest rates from 5.99% to 29.99% APR
100% online request and investment process
Modo offer loans for one assortment from requirements similar to debt consolidation, home improvement, car spending, medical charges, relation obligations, with more. Their engineering seeks to give appropriate entry for financing through a simple web process.
Like an optional lender, approval with Modo hinge extra on blanket financial welfare instead of impartial loan ratings. The assists operate supplicants with little or sparse credit annals that may no more have the qualifications for all the way through traditional routes.
Which way the Modo Credit Analysis Procedure Occupations
Modo uses lending algorithms with AI engineering to supply personalized credit choices in instant with zero paperwork either charges. But the way does their review with sanction progression in fact job?
Minimum Standards
First, you must meet little found qualification measure for Modo for level lead a credit review:
In least 18 years old
US citizenship / permanent tenant
Usual wage > $20k every year
Lively verifying calculate
Modo divulges these minimum standards beforehand sooner than you complete loan applications. Provided that you satisfy a essentials, you can keep on more remote.
Requesting to one Modo Individual Loan
Complete the internet loan request which accumulates elementary private and employment details close by income, expenses with duties. Not any identifications or declarations obligatory.
Join your bank tabs so Modo can acquire access to your checking, reserve funds, and surface loan explanation proceedings to verify financial health. Tall encryption keeps completly secure.
Validate your personal individuality similar to any lender. Modo exercise not any tough credit hauls within the point.
That's it! A application process takes fair instant via desktop or roaming. At the moment Modo's algorithms kick with for decide your personal loan stipulations.
Modo's Credit Determination Algorithm
At the time Modo accumulates completely compulsory knowledge from your request with financial institution invoice data, their proprietary conclusion motors pass to duty.
Modo's algorithm inspects uncounted data points between your wage flows, outlay models, money rivers, obligations and inclusive cash organization behaviors operating sophisticated AI technology.
The discernment along with minimum specifications leeway authorizes Modo to generate a accurate custom credit determination aligned to your personal distinctive monetary scenario - frequently with seconds or instant.
So as opposed to fair gauging loan outlines with scores like financial institutions, Modo brings contemporary data-driven approach for analyse your genuine capacity for regulate and reward back a credit.
Comprehending Modo Credits and this Credit Analysis Procedure
(modoloanloosy, 25. 12. 2023 10:02)
Modo loans supply an different investment option for standard financial institution financings plus loan plastic. Yet the way does the modo loan analysis and permission system indeed duty? The lead supply an in depth look.
What be a Modo Credit?
A modo credit is a type of installment loan offered by Modo, an web lending platform and FDIC-insured financial institution associate. Major attributes incorporate:
Credit amounts between $1,000 to $50,000
Terms from 1 and 5 years
Rigid concern rates from 5.99% and 29.99% APR
100% web application with backing process
Modo allow money for a assortment from demands similar to debt consolidation, home betterment, car spending, medical invoices, kin duties, and further. Their expertise plans to supply handy entry to financing past an effortless web process.
Like a substitute loaner, sanction among Modo hang additional about overall budgetary health over fair credit scores. This aids act solicitors among little or sparse credit chronicles who may no more qualify all the way through classic routes.
The way the Modo Credit Review System Works
Modo uses loaning calculations with AI engineering to give personalized credit conclusions with minutes with no forms either dues. But how does their evaluation with permission system really job?
Minimum Specifications
Initially, ye must meet little stand qualification measure to Modo to level commence a credit inspection:
At simplest 18 years old
US nationality / permanent occupant
Regular wage > $20k per year
Energetic verifying invoice
Modo divulges these minimum specifications prematurely sooner than ye complete credit functions. If you satisfy the essentials, you be able to keep on further.
Applying for one Modo Personal Credit
Polish off the online credit application that gathers basic personal with employment points along with income, fees and duties. Not any papers either declarations necessary.
Couple your personal bank invoices so Modo can reach your personal checking, reserve funds, with surface credit account trades to verify money related welfare. High encryption hold all secure.
Affirm your originality as any creditor. Modo exercise zero difficult loan drags within the degree.
Which's IT! The application process brings just minutes with the aid of desktop either movable. Now Modo's algorithms boot with for settle on your loan stipulations.
Modo's Credit Choice Calculation
The moment Modo accumulates all required understanding between your application with financial institution invoice data, the possessive choice machines go for duty.
Modo's calculation investigates infinite data flecks from your personal income streams, spending patterns, money rivers, duties with inclusive cash organization conduct making use of advanced AI expertise.
This insight together with least specifications room enables Modo for generate a genuine custom lending resolution arranged to your personal extraordinary financial condition - regularly in moment either minutes.
So over equitable estimating credit outlines and results as banks, Modo brings modern information-driven method to analyse your legit competence to regulate and reward again one credit.
Grasping Modo Financings with this Loan Analysis System
(modoloanloosy, 25. 12. 2023 6:50)
Modo credits give an different funding possibility to customary financial institution financings plus loan cards. However the way make the modo loan analysis with permission system truly duty? This lead give a in deepness look.
Which be a Modo Loan?
One modo credit is one kind of installment credit furnished from Modo, a online credit platform with FDIC-insured financial institution ally. Major attributes encompass:
Credit amounts between $1,000 and $50,000
Terms from 1 and 5 years
Set concern rates between 5.99% to 29.99% APR
100% web application and funding process
Modo give financings to a variety of wishes like obligation combination, residence enhancement, vehicle expenses, medical bills, relation obligations, with additional. The engineering plans for allow suitable access for financing past a simple web process.
As a optional loaner, sanction with Modo hang additional on overall financial wellbeing rather than equitable credit counts. This aids act supplicants with short either scarce credit records who may not qualify past traditional mediums.
The way a Modo Loan Inspection Procedure Functions
Modo exercise credit calculations with AI engineering for allow customized credit resolutions with minutes with no forms or expenses. Yet what way does their evaluation and sanction procedure indeed duty?
Smallest Prerequisites
Originally, you should satisfy few pedestal qualification guideline for Modo for even lead one credit review:
At least 18 years aged
US nationality / permanent tenant
Ordinary income > $20k per year
Energetic verifying explanation
Modo divulges these lowest standards upfront earlier than you complete loan functions. Provided that you fill the rudiments, you be able to keep on additional.
Requesting to one Modo Individual Credit
Complete a online credit application which amasses primary exclusive with operation particulars together with wage, costs and liabilities. No papers or proclamations obligatory.
Join your bank explanations so Modo be able to acquire access to your checking, financial savings, and surface loan tab transactions to validate money related welfare. High privacy grasp completly get.
Validate your originality as some mortgagee. Modo put to use not any hard loan drags at this spot.
Which's IT! A request process brings fair instant by the use of desktop either mobile. Now Modo's calculations kick with for determine your personal credit terms.
Modo's Credit Choice Calculation
The moment Modo accumulates completely necessary information from your request and financial institution account information, their owned choice engines pass to occupation.
Modo's calculation analyzes innumerable data specks from your income flows, outlay templates, cash flows, liabilities and blanket money organization deportment through the use of complex AI technology.
The understanding close by least criteria space allows Modo for generate an genuine custom credit choice aligned to your particular money related scenario - generally in moment either instant.
Thus instead of just assessing credit descriptions and ratings like financial institutions, Modo carries contemporary data-driven approach for estimate your true proficiency to manage with reward again a loan.
Comprehending Modo Loans and this Loan Assessment Progression
(modoloanloosy, 25. 12. 2023 3:44)
Modo financings give an alternative funding possibility for classic financial institution credits plus loan cards. Yet the way does a modo loan evaluation with permission process in fact duty? The lead allow a with depth look.
What is a Modo Loan?
A modo credit be one type from installment loan given by Modo, an web loaning platform and FDIC-insured bank ally. Major characteristics include:
Loan quantities from $1,000 and $50,000
Terms from 1 to 5 years
Rigid interest levels between 5.99% to 29.99% APR
100% web application with investment process
Modo give financings for a collection of requirements as debt consolidation, home betterment, car bills, health bills, relation liabilities, with additional. Their engineering intends to furnish fitting entry for funding via an simple web process.
Like an optional creditor, approval with Modo depends additional about inclusive financial health over just loan counts. The aids function candidates with short either skimpy loan histories who may not meet requirements for past conventional mediums.
How the Modo Credit Review Progression Occupations
Modo exercise credit algorithms with AI expertise for offer individualized loan choices with minutes among not any forms or charges. However how make the analysis and authorization progression in fact duty?
Minimum Specifications
Originally, you must satisfy little base eligibility measure to Modo to even commence a loan inspection:
In simplest 18 twelvemonths former
US nationality / permanent resident
Normal income > $20k per year
Active checking invoice
Modo uncovers these minimum specifications beforehand prior to you complete credit solicitations. If you satisfy the rudiments, ye can proceed additional.
Requesting for a Modo Secluded Loan
Polish off a internet credit application which accumulates basic private with vocation particulars together with wage, fees and liabilities. Zero papers or proclamations obligatory.
Couple your personal financial institution invoices with the goal that Modo be able to get right of entry to your verifying, reserve funds, and outward loan account trades for validate money related welfare. Tall security cling everything get.
Verify your originality similar to some lender. Modo employ zero tough loan pulls within the spot.
Which's it! The application system takes just instant with the aid of desktop either movable. At the moment Modo's algorithms boot in to determine your personal credit terms.
Modo's Credit Choice Calculation
As soon as Modo accumulates all compulsory facts from your personal request and financial institution invoice data, the private resolution engines pass for work.
Modo's algorithm investigates countless data specks between your income flows, spending examples, money streams, responsibilities with inclusive money management conduct operating complex AI engineering.
This understanding together with smallest requirements space lets Modo for cause a accurate tradition loaning choice arranged to your extraordinary monetary condition - often with seconds either instant.
So over impartial gauging credit stories and ratings as financial institutions, Modo bears modern information-driven style for analyse your right capacity to regulate with reward reverse one loan.
Comprehending Modo Loans with the Credit Review System
(modoloanloosy, 25. 12. 2023 0:41)
Modo loans give a substitute financing selection to traditional bank money plus loan plastic. However the way does the modo loan analysis with endorsement process actually occupation? This guide furnish a in deepness look.
What be a Modo Loan?
A modo credit is a variety of regular payment credit given by Modo, an internet lending system and FDIC-insured bank ally. Key features incorporate:
Credit sums between $1,000 and $50,000
Terms between 1 and 5 years
Firm concern percentages between 5.99% to 29.99% APR
100% online request with capital process
Modo offer money for a collection of demands as debt combination, house betterment, vehicle spending, medical invoices, relation obligations, with further. The engineering seeks to supply appropriate entrance to funding past a straightforward web process.
As a substitute creditor, sanction among Modo hinge further on full financial welfare over impartial loan counts. The aids operate supplicants among little either skimpy credit records that may no more meet requirements for by way of classic routes.
How a Modo Credit Review System Functions
Modo uses credit calculations with AI engineering to allow modified credit resolutions in minutes among not any forms either dues. But what way make their evaluation with sanction process indeed function?
Least Prerequisites
Initially, you must meet little stand eligibility measure to Modo to even initiate one credit analysis:
At smallest 18 years aged
US citizenship / permanent dweller
Usual wage > $20k each year
Vigorous checking account
Modo exposes these smallest specifications upfront before ye round out loan solicitations. If ye meet the rudiments, ye can proceed far.
Requesting to one Modo Secluded Credit
Complete the web credit request that accumulates elementary personal with employment subtleties together with wage, spending and liabilities. Zero documents either declarations obligatory.
Pair your personal bank explanations so Modo be able to reach your personal verifying, financial savings, with surface credit tab transactions to confirm monetary welfare. Tall privacy hold completly get.
Affirm your individuality as some mortgagee. Modo employ zero complicated loan hauls within this locale.
Which's IT! A application procedure carries fair instant past work area either roaming. Straight away Modo's algorithms boot with to determine your personal loan arrangements.
Modo's Loan Determination Calculation
At the time Modo gathers completely compulsory information from your personal request with financial institution tab data, their possessive conclusion engines pass for occupation.
Modo's algorithm explores uncounted data specks between your wage streams, spending examples, money rivers, duties with whole cash management deportment operating complex AI engineering.
This comprehension along with smallest standards clearance lets Modo for make an precise routine lending determination arranged to your distinctive financial scenario - frequently with seconds or minutes.
So as opposed to impartial estimating credit reports and scores like banks, Modo carries present day data-driven method for analyse your personal right capability to handle and reward reverse a loan.
Grasping Modo Loans with this Credit Evaluation System
(modoloanloosy, 24. 12. 2023 21:41)
Modo money furnish an substitute investment choice to customary financial institution loans and loan plastic. Yet what way does the modo credit analysis and permission procedure really function? This lead grant a in depth look.
Which be one Modo Loan?
A modo loan is one form from installment credit allowed from Modo, a internet lending platform with FDIC-insured bank co-worker. Major features encompass:
Credit amounts from $1,000 to $50,000
Requirements from 1 to 5 years
Fixed concern levels between 5.99% and 29.99% APR
100% internet request and capital process
Modo supply financings for one mixture of needs like obligation consolidation, house progress, automobile costs, health charges, kin responsibilities, with more. The technology plans to supply appropriate admittance for capital through a straightforward web process.
Like an optional lender, permission among Modo hang further about overall budgetary welfare over unbiased credit counts. The helps serve supplicants among short either sparse credit annals that can no more qualify all the way through conventional routes.
The way a Modo Credit Inspection System Jobs
Modo exercise lending calculations with AI expertise for give modified credit choices in minutes among not any forms either dues. But the way make the assessment and authorization process in fact work?
Minimum Specifications
First, you must comply with little base qualification criteria to Modo to even initiate one credit analysis:
At smallest 18 twelvemonths retro
US nationality / permanent resident
Ordinary income > $20k annually
Energetic verifying explanation
Modo reveals this minimum standards beforehand earlier than you round off credit solicitations. If ye comply with the basics, ye be able to continue on additional.
Requesting for a Modo Personal Loan
Perfect a online loan application that gathers basic exclusive and vocation details close by income, spending with duties. Not any identifications either proclamations compulsory.
Couple your personal financial institution explanations with the goal that Modo be able to gain access to your checking, savings, with outer credit invoice proceedings for verify money related health. Tall encryption cling completly secure.
Affirm your personal identity as any creditor. Modo make use of not any tough loan hauls at this moment.
Which's it! The request progression takes impartial instant past workdesk either mobile. At the moment Modo's algorithms boot with to designate your credit arrangements.
Modo's Loan Choice Calculation
The moment Modo gathers completely imperative advice from your personal request with bank account data, the owned decision machines go for function.
Modo's calculation investigates uncounted information points between your wage streams, expending examples, money streams, duties with whole money management performances by means of sophisticated AI technology.
The discernment together with smallest requirements leeway authorizes Modo to make a actual routine credit decision aligned for your distinctive monetary circumstance - routinely with seconds or minutes.
So as opposed to just estimating credit reports and ratings as banks, Modo bears present day data-driven approach to assess your personal right proficiency for regulate and reward in turn one credit.
Understanding Modo Credits and the Loan Assessment Progression
(modoloanloosy, 24. 12. 2023 17:56)
Modo loans provide a other capital choice for standard financial institution loans plus credit plastic. But how does a modo credit evaluation and endorsement progression really job? The guide provide an in depth look.
Which is a Modo Loan?
A modo credit is one kind from installment loan supplied by Modo, a internet lending system and FDIC-insured financial institution associate. Key attributes include:
Credit quantities from $1,000 to $50,000
Arrangements from 1 to 5 years
Fixed interest percentages from 5.99% and 29.99% APR
100% web application and capital process
Modo grant money to one mixture of requirements as liability consolidation, house enhancement, automobile fees, health invoices, kin liabilities, with extra. Their engineering plans to grant handy entry for investment all the way through an simple online process.
As a different creditor, approval among Modo depends more on whole money related health as opposed to just credit ratings. The aids serve candidates among little or sparse credit annals who may not qualify through standard routes.
How a Modo Credit Analysis Progression Jobs
Modo exercise lending algorithms with AI expertise for allow individualized credit conclusions with instant among zero paperwork either fees. However how does their evaluation with endorsement process in fact duty?
Least Criteria
Initially, ye need to fill few stand qualification criteria for Modo for even commence a loan evaluation:
In least 18 years aged
US nationality / permanent resident
Regular wage > $20k each year
Energetic verifying tab
Modo uncovers these least requirements upfront sooner than you round off credit functions. Provided that you comply with a principles, you can proceed further.
Requesting for one Modo Private Loan
Perfect the online credit request which gathers elementary private with operation subtleties close by income, expenses and obligations. No credentials either demonstrations necessary.
Pair your financial institution tabs so Modo can get right of entry to your checking, savings, and outer credit explanation trades to validate financial wellbeing. Tall privacy keeps all secure.
Confirm your uniqueness like some mortgagee. Modo exercise no complex loan tugs at the degree.
That's IT! A application system bears equitable minutes through desktop either mobile. Straight away Modo's calculations boot with to determine your loan arrangements.
Modo's Credit Conclusion Algorithm
As soon as Modo accumulates completely imperative advice from your request and financial institution tab data, the owned conclusion motors pass to occupation.
Modo's algorithm explores innumerable information points between your personal income rivers, expending styles, money rivers, liabilities with blanket money organization deportment operating sophisticated AI engineering.
This discernment along with minimum requirements clearance allows Modo to make an actual habit credit determination arranged for your personal distinctive financial attitude - frequently with seconds either minutes.
So as opposed to unbiased judging credit stories and ratings like financial institutions, Modo takes present day information-driven method to analyse your actual capacity to handle and reward in turn one credit.
Understanding Modo Financings and the Credit Review Progression
(modoloanloosy, 24. 12. 2023 14:43)
Modo credits furnish a substitute funding possibility to classic bank credits plus credit plastic. Yet how make a modo credit evaluation with approval progression in fact occupation? This guide grant an in depth look.
What is a Modo Credit?
One modo loan is one variety from regular payment credit furnished by Modo, a web credit system and FDIC-insured bank associate. Major features include:
Loan sums between $1,000 to $50,000
Arrangements from 1 and 5 years
Set interest rates between 5.99% to 29.99% APR
100% web application with investment process
Modo supply financings to one variety from desires like debt combination, home growth, car bills, health charges, kin duties, with more. The technology aims to allow fitting entrance for money via an straightforward web process.
Like an other creditor, authorization with Modo hinge further about full budgetary welfare as opposed to fair credit results. The aids operate solicitors among little or skimpy loan chronicles that can not meet requirements for by way of classic routes.
The way a Modo Credit Assessment Procedure Occupations
Modo make use of lending calculations with AI expertise to allow individualized credit determinations with instant with zero paperwork or charges. However how make the review and approval procedure actually occupation?
Smallest Prerequisites
Originally, you must comply with few pedestal qualification standard for Modo for even pioneer one loan analysis:
At least 18 twelvemonths old
US nationality / lasting occupant
Common wage > $20k every year
Dynamic verifying invoice
Modo exposes this minimum specifications upfront prior to you round out credit functions. If you meet a rudiments, you be able to progress far.
Requesting for one Modo Private Loan
Round out the web loan application which gathers primary private and employment specifics along with income, costs with responsibilities. No identifications or manifestations compulsory.
Pair your personal financial institution accounts with the goal that Modo be able to acquire access to your checking, savings, and external loan invoice proceedings for corroborate money related wellbeing. Tall security hold everything get.
Confirm your personal originality similar to any lender. Modo employ not any difficult loan hauls at this spot.
That's information technology! A application procedure conveys fair instant by the use of desktop either mobile. Now Modo's calculations kick with to determine your personal credit arrangements.
Modo's Loan Determination Algorithm
Once Modo amasses all obligatory information between your request with financial institution explanation information, their owned resolution engines go to work.
Modo's algorithm analyzes unlimited information flecks from your wage streams, spending templates, cash streams, obligations with overall money management deportment through the use of superior AI expertise.
The insight close by smallest standards space authorizes Modo for manufacture an precise custom credit conclusion aligned for your personal distinctive financial situation - frequently with moment or instant.
Thus as opposed to equitable evaluating credit profiles with ratings similar to banks, Modo carries latest data-driven attitude to assess your true ability for direct and pay back a loan.
Interpreting Modo Financings and this Loan Review Progression
(modoloanloosy, 24. 12. 2023 11:33)
Modo money give an other financing choice to standard bank money and loan cards. However what way make the modo loan review and authorization procedure truly occupation? This lead furnish a in deepness look.
What is one Modo Credit?
A modo loan is one variety from installment loan allowed by Modo, a web lending system with FDIC-insured financial institution colleague. Key attributes encompass:
Credit quantities between $1,000 to $50,000
Conditions from 1 to 5 years
Set interest percentages between 5.99% to 29.99% APR
100% online request and backing process
Modo furnish money to one variety of desires as liability combination, house growth, vehicle fees, health bills, kin liabilities, with extra. The engineering purposes for provide suitable entrance for funding via a uncomplicated web process.
As a substitute creditor, endorsement among Modo hinge extra on whole financial wellbeing over just credit results. The aids work applicants with short or scarce credit records who can no more qualify by way of standard channels.
The way a Modo Credit Review Progression Works
Modo uses loaning algorithms with AI engineering to supply modified credit resolutions in instant with no forms either dues. Yet what way make their review with authorization system actually job?
Minimum Requirements
Initially, ye must satisfy little pedestal qualification guideline for Modo to level initiate one loan analysis:
At least 18 twelvemonths aged
US nationality / lasting citizen
Common income > $20k per annum
Vigorous verifying invoice
Modo reveals these minimum criteria upfront prior to you complete credit requests. If you meet the essentials, you be able to continue on additional.
Requesting to a Modo Personal Credit
Round off a web credit request which amasses elementary private with employment details together with income, costs with obligations. No documents either declarations required.
Pair your personal financial institution invoices with the goal that Modo can get right of entry to your personal checking, reserve funds, and outward loan invoice agreements for approve money related welfare. Tall privacy keeps all secure.
Verify your uniqueness similar to any loaner. Modo put to use zero complex loan hauls within this spot.
Which's it! The application progression brings impartial instant via workdesk either movable. Straight away Modo's calculations kick in to settle on your personal loan terms.
Modo's Loan Conclusion Algorithm
As soon as Modo gathers completely necessary information from your personal request and bank explanation data, their owned choice motors pass for duty.
Modo's algorithm inspects unlimited information flecks from your personal wage streams, expending examples, cash rivers, obligations and whole money organization conduct through the use of developed AI technology.
This comprehension together with minimum criteria room enables Modo for brand an precise tradition credit conclusion arranged for your personal extraordinary budgetary condition - regularly in moment either instant.
So rather than unbiased estimating credit reports and scores as banks, Modo brings current data-driven style to determine your personal true ability to manage and reward back a credit.
Grasping Modo Loans and this Credit Analysis System
(modoloanloosy, 24. 12. 2023 8:23)
Modo financings grant an other funding option to conventional financial institution credits and loan cards. However what way does a modo loan evaluation and endorsement progression indeed work? This lead provide a with deepness look.
Which be one Modo Loan?
One modo loan be a type from installment loan given by Modo, an online lending platform with FDIC-insured bank co-worker. Key attributes include:
Loan quantities from $1,000 and $50,000
Stipulations between 1 to 5 years
Rigid concern levels from 5.99% and 29.99% APR
100% web application and backing process
Modo allow credits for one range of desires like liability combination, residence betterment, vehicle costs, medical charges, relation responsibilities, with further. The expertise intends to furnish useful admittance to money all the way through an straightforward online process.
As a substitute mortgagee, approval among Modo hinge extra on entire financial welfare over fair loan counts. The assists act solicitors among short either skimpy credit records that can not qualify by way of traditional routes.
The way a Modo Credit Assessment Progression Duties
Modo employ lending calculations with AI engineering to allow personalized credit conclusions in minutes with no forms or dues. However the way make their analysis and endorsement procedure indeed function?
Minimum Standards
Originally, you should satisfy little found qualification measure for Modo to level commence a loan review:
At smallest 18 years retro
US citizenship / permanent resident
Ordinary income > $20k each year
Active verifying explanation
Modo discloses these minimum standards ahead of time prior to ye complete credit solicitations. Provided that you satisfy the principles, you be able to go ahead far.
Requesting for one Modo Personal Loan
Round off the online credit request that collects rudimentary exclusive with employment particulars close by income, expenses with liabilities. No verification either proofs necessary.
Pair your financial institution accounts so Modo be able to acquire access to your checking, reserve funds, and outward credit account negotiations for verify economic wellbeing. High encryption keeps totally get.
Affirm your personal identity like any creditor. Modo make use of zero difficult loan pulls within the point.
Which's information technology! A request progression bears fair instant past desktop either movable. At the moment Modo's algorithms boot in for determine your personal loan requirements.
Modo's Credit Determination Calculation
The moment Modo gathers completely obligatory advice from your personal request and financial institution calculate information, their owned resolution motors pass to occupation.
Modo's calculation examines infinite information flecks from your wage streams, outlay patterns, cash flows, obligations and blanket cash management conduct through the use of sophisticated AI technology.
This insight together with least specifications space enables Modo to brand a actual routine loaning resolution aligned for your one-of-a-kind budgetary scenario - routinely in moment either minutes.
Thus as opposed to just evaluating loan descriptions with results similar to financial institutions, Modo brings current data-driven attitude to estimate your genuine capability to manage and pay again one loan.
Esperio — обзор и реальные отзывы
(Georgebuh, 23. 12. 2023 16:53)
Esperio — обзор и реальные отзывы. Мошенники?
1 марта
458 прочитали
Если вы задумываетесь о сотрудничестве с Esperio, то ознакомьтесь предварительно с этим обзором. Брокер заявляет о себе, как об одном из лучших на рынке. Однако наше мнение по этому вопросу противоположное. Мы проведем подробный анализ предложений этой компании и изучим отзывы трейдеров, чтобы определить, насколько ей можно доверять.
О компании
Официальное название: Esperio;
Адрес, контакты: First St. Vincent Bank Ltd Building, James Street, Kingstown, Сент-Винсент и Гренадины;
Лицензия: нет;
Как давно на рынке: с 2021;
Услуги: трейдинг;
Условия: леверидж до 1:1000, нет ограничений по минимальному депозиту;
Торговый терминал: MetaTrader 4/5;
Активы: контракты на разницу цен.
Самые свежие отзывы о Esperio со всего интернета
Несмотря на почти что вдохновляющее название, брокер не особо смог заслужить похвалу от трейдеров, особенно российских. Впрочем, судя по официальному сайту, именно на них он и ориентируется.
Итак, автор с ником MEMFIS1990 уверяет, что никому не удастся заработать с этим брокером. Согласно его комментарию, Esperio просто не выводит деньги. Мужчина уверяет, что все положительные отзывы на официальном сайте компании — фейковые. Он советует трейдерам работать только с проверенными брокерами, а не ноунеймами.
Следующий автор с ником Raspop нашел только один положительный момент у этого брокера. В отзыве он упоминает, что Esperio не скрывает отрицательной доходности по своим портфелям.
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(Jorgemax, 23. 12. 2023 9:44)
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Пoлyчи бoнyс за региcтpацию и игpaй пpямo ceйчаc
(Stevenkiz, 23. 12. 2023 7:24)
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Как чёрный брокер Esperio маскируется
(Kennethdurry, 23. 12. 2023 6:46)
Как чёрный брокер Esperio маскируется под нормального
Далее, у брокера обязана быть лицензия на данный вид деятельности. Её выдают финансовые государственные регуляторы: подробнее об этой системе полезно прочитать в соответствующей статье нашего блога. В островном офшоре есть собственный финансовый госрегулятор под названием Financial Services Authority. Самый надёжный и при этом простой способ проверки наличия лицензии следующий: зайти на официальный сайт регулятора и ввести название компании в поиск. Результат отрицательный: ни OFG Cap. Ltd, ни Esperio в FSA не лицензировались. Так что компания не имеет разрешения на финансовую деятельность даже в заявленной стране регистрации, которая, впрочем, тоже оказалась фейковой.
Впрочем, даже в случае легального оформления юрлица и лицензирования по месту регистрации этого недостаточно для работы в правовом поле Российской Федерации. Оказывать брокерские услуги в стране можно исключительно по лицензии Центробанка РФ. Российский регулятор, как и все его иностранные коллеги, призван способствовать прозрачности рынка и ведёт открытые реестры держателей своих допусков и чёрные списки. Поиск по реестрам на сайте ЦБ РФ показывает, что брокер Esperio ему знаком. Он загремел в чёрный список компаний с признаками нелегального профучастника рынка ценных бумаг. Этот корректный термин обозначает лохоброкера: всё-таки не полагается почтенному государственному регулятору такую терминологию использовать.
Обратите внимание на сайты, перечисленные на скриншоте из чёрного списка Центробанка РФ. Видно, что мошенники часто запускают зеркала своего сайта. Этому может быть только одна причина: их блокировка за мошенничество для российских пользователей, которые являются основной целевой аудиторией лжеброкеров.
На момент написания обзора провайдеры РФ пока не перекрыли доступ к Однако, судя по активности лохоброкера, и эта мера не за горами.
Как чёрный брокер Esperio маскируется под нормального
Адрес и стаж как признаки мошенничества Esperio
В ходе проверки информации о компании «Вся Правда» также рекомендует пробивать заявленный на её интернет-ресурсе адрес. Хотя бы через поисковые системы и, особенно, через Гугл-карты.
not working
(JeffreyBub, 23. 12. 2023 2:55)
don't think anything
Содержание статьи
(RichardBoove, 22. 12. 2023 8:28)
Содержание статьи
Проверка информации о компании «Эсперио»
Не дайте мошенникам присвоить свои деньги!
Адрес и стаж как признаки мошенничества Esperio
Чарджбэк для возврата средств на карту
Отзывы о «Эсперио»
Схема развода «Эсперио»
На первый взгляд у компании приличный мультиязычный сайт, а также достаточное количество юридической и прочей информации. Однако стоит начать всерьёз проверять легенду «Эсперио» — как она начинает рассыпаться на глазах.
«Вся Правда» приглашает разобрать компанию по косточкам, заодно потренировавшись выводить подобных лжеброкеров на чистую воду.
Проверка информации о компании «Эсперио»
Кладезем базовых юридических данных являются документы и футер сайта, заполненный очень мелким, слепым шрифтом. Поэтому удобнее обращаться к разделу «Правовая информация», который сослали на третий уровень интернет-ресурса, в категорию «О компании».
Первое, что бросается в глаза в этой самой правовой информации, это отсутствие обоих ключевых для каждого брокера документов:
скан-копии свидетельства о регистрации,
бланка лицензии на брокерскую деятельность.
Это настораживающий фактор, который сразу понижает степень доверия к Esperio. А ключевые сведения будем выяснять самостоятельно, перепроверяя отрывочную информацию из футера официального сайта и из шапки клиентского соглашения.
Как чёрный брокер Esperio маскируется под нормального
Итак, заявлено, что сайтом управляет компания OFG Cap. Ltd с регистрацией на Сент-Винсент и Гренадинах. Это островное офшорное государство давно является прибежищем сомнительных компаний, которые покупают местную регистрацию по вполне доступной цене. Однако для этого нужно предпринять хотя бы минимальный набор действий и подать скромный пакет документов.
Не дайте мошенникам присвоить свои деньги!
Узнайте, как обезопасить свои финансы
Проверить, было ли это сделано на самом деле, легко. Достаточно на сервисе info-clipper или подобном агрегаторе юридических лиц разных стран мира выбрать интересующее государство и ввести название компании. Если результат не найден, значит, такого юрлица в стране не зарегистрировано. Показываем на скриншоте, что брокер лжёт о своей якобы материнской компании (хотя формулировка про управление сайтом не тянет даже на подобный статус). Компания Esperio на островах также не зарегистрирована.
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(OrlandoTom, 27. 12. 2023 3:36)